1 st 3 Digits |
State |
001-003 |
New Hampshire |
004-007 |
Maine |
008-009 |
Vermont |
010-034 |
Massachusetts |
035-039 |
Rhode Island |
040-049 |
Connecticut |
050-134 |
New York |
135-158 |
New Jersey |
159-211 |
Pennsylvania |
212-220 |
Maryland |
221-222 |
Delaware |
223-231 |
Virginia |
691-699* |
232-236 |
West Virginia |
232 |
North Carolina |
237-246 |
681-690 |
247-251 |
South Carolina |
654-658 |
252-260 |
Georgia |
667-675 |
261-267 |
Florida |
589-595 |
766-772 |
268-302 |
Ohio |
1 st 3 Digits |
State |
303-317 |
Indiana |
318-361 |
Illinois |
362-386 |
Michigan |
387-399 |
Wisconsin |
400-407 |
Kentucky |
408-415 |
Tennessee |
756-763* |
416-424 |
Alabama |
425-428 |
Mississippi |
587-588 |
752-755* |
429-432 |
Arkansas |
676-679 |
433-439 |
Louisiana |
659-665 |
440-448 |
Oklahoma |
449-467 |
Texas |
627-645 |
468-477 |
Minnesota |
478-485 |
Iowa |
486-500 |
Missouri |
501-502 |
North Dakota |
503-504 |
South Dakota |
505-508 |
Nebraska |
509-515 |
Kansas |
516-517 |
Montana |
518-519 |
Idaho |
520 |
Wyoming |
521-524 |
Colorado |
650-653 |
1 st 3 Digits |
State |
525,585 |
New Mexico |
648-649 |
526-527 |
Arizona |
600-601 |
764-765 |
528-529 |
Utah |
646-647 |
530 |
Nevada |
680 |
531-539 |
Washington |
540-544 |
Oregon |
545-573 |
California |
602-626 |
574 |
Alaska |
575-576 |
Hawaii |
750-751* |
577-579 |
District of Columbia |
580 |
Virgin Islands |
580-584 |
Puerto Rico |
596-599 |
586 |
Guam |
586 |
American Samoa |
586 |
Philippine Islands |
700-728 |
Railroad Board** |
729-733 |
Enumeration at Entry |
NOTE: The same area, when shown more than once, means that certain numbers have been transferred from one State to another, or that an area has been divided for use among certain geographic locations.Any number beginning with 000 will NEVER be a valid SSN.