As of January 2023, the X-waiver is no longer required to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder. Any references to the X-waiver no longer apply. The educational content on this site that offers CME meets the MATE Act requirements of 8 hours of training required for DEA certification.


Jose M. Flores, M.D., Ph.dJose M. Flores, MD, PhD
Research Fellow
UCLA Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Opioid Screening in Youth: Foundations for an Effective Screening Process

Erin Winstanley, PhD
Department of Behavioral Medicine & Psychiatry, West Virginia University

Jennifer Thomas, MD
Morris Hospital, Integrated Behavioral Health System, Braidwood, IL

Debra Newman, PA
First Judicial District Court, Adult Drug and Mental Health Treatment Courts, Santa Fe County, NM

Caring for Complex Patients in Resource-Limited Rural Communities

Many past trainings are available as on-demand learning opportunities. View the entire on-demand learning catalog here.

All of the CME-eligible courses in our On-Demand Learning Catalog meet the one-time DEA requirement that all clinicians must complete 8 hours of training related to substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for new and renewing licensure. The flyer below highlights over 8 hours of training that will meet that requirement.

Flyer for self-paced learning opportunities Flyer for Stimulants on-demand learning Flyer for Stigma on-demand learning Flyer for Tribal on-demand learning