Thank you for your interest in partnering with UCLA Integrated Substance Use and Addiction Programs to offer continuing education for your event.
As a CE/CME provider, our job is to ensure educational content is accurate and valid while preventing commercial bias in presentations. In order to do so, we require the following:
In order to extend our continuing education approvals to community partners, UCLA ISAP CME staff must be involved in all stages of the event planning process and be listed as a named co-sponsor on marketing materials, including logos and required CME/CE language. ISAP CME staff will help ensure that educational events are meeting the needs of providers and addressing learning gaps in the field.
Applicants will provide UCLA ISAP CME with application materials in a timely manner, including speaker and planner disclosures, CVs, and bios, event learning objectives, agendas, PowerPoint presentations and activity handouts, and post-test questions, when applicable. A new CME application must be submitted AT LEAST 6 weeks prior to a learning activity, and all supporting documentation must be submitted AT LEAST 3 weeks prior to any approved activity.
Approved events will follow established procedures to document participant attendance, either through using start and end codes, sign in and sign out sheets, post-tests, a combination, or other agreed-upon methods. All attendees who wish to receive CE/CME credit must complete an online evaluation form. After the event, a full participant list must be submitted within 30 days of event completion.
Please note that CE/CME approvals are provisional until all materials are submitted and approved.
When developing materials, applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the National Academy of Medicine's 3 Cs Framework to ensure content includes the recommended core competencies in interprofessional education and practice for unhealthy substance use.