Clinical Provider Quick Tips
Addressing Substance Use in Primary Care Settings
What You Need to Know
About the Toolkit
The goal of the Clinical Provider Quick Tips Toolkit is to bring the latest research and practical tools to busy clinicians in accessible, brief, "bite-sized" pieces addressing patient stimulant and fentanyl use in primary care settings.
UCLA ISAP, in partnership with Stanford University, conducted qualitative interviews and listening sessions with key stakeholders from across the state to identify the training needs of busy practitioners. Clinicians requested access to state-of-the-art tips and resources to deliver optimal care to patients who use substances.
Clinical Provider Quick Tips Toolkit features:
- Short videos (~15 mins) addressing both Stimulant and Fentanyl use
- Practical Tools You Can Use NOW
- Recommended articles and guides
- No-cost Continuing Medication Education (.25 CME) per video/course
The UCLA Team is grateful to the presenters who offered their time to share their knowledge and expertise.
Contact Us
- For content questions, contact Sherry Larkins, Ph.D at
- For Continuing Medical Education (CME) questions, contact Kimberly Valencia at
The Clinical Provider Quick Tips Toolkit is part of the UCLA Opioid and Stimulant Implementation Support – Training and Technical Assistance Program (OASIS-TTA).
Visit www.uclaisap/oasis-tta for more learning opportunities.
Request FREE Technical Assistance from an expert consultant here.

This series is sponsored by the Department of Healthcare Services in California through the SAMSHA State Opioid Response Grants. All information in the presentations are generated by the presenters and do not reflect the opinions of CA DHCS.