Cultural Linguistic Competency and Implicit Bias

UCLA ISAP CME provides standards for Cultural Linguistic Competency (CLC) and Implicit Bias (IB) in all CME activities to reduce health disparities and acknowledge the embedded and endemic structural racism and biases that affect the care that an individual receives.

CLC Definition

The ability and readiness of health care providers and organizations to humbly and respectfully demonstrate, effectively communicate, and tailor delivery of care to patients with diverse values, beliefs, identities, and behaviors, in order to meet social, cultural and linguistic needs as it relates to patient health.

IB Definition

The attitudes, stereotypes, and feelings, either positive or negative, that affect our understanding, actions and decisions without conscious knowledge or control. Implicit bias is a universal phenomenon. When negative, implicit bias often contributes to unequal treatment and disparities in diagnosis, treatment decisions, levels of care, and health care outcomes of people based on race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability and other characteristics.

Business and Professions (B&P) Code Section 2190 requires the California Medical Association (CMA) to develop standards for Cultural Linguistic Competency (CLC) and Implicit Bias (IB) for inclusion in CME activities. B&P 2190 is codified through Assembly Bill (AB) 1195 (Coto, 2005) and AB 241 (Kamlager-Dove, 2019).

UCLA ISAP CME requires all learning activities to include at least one learning objective related to CLC or IB. More information, resources, and ideas at the CMA Website. We encourage all planners and presenters to use the  CLC/IB Planning Worksheet.