About Us
UCLA Integrated Substance Use and Addiction Programs (UCLA ISAP) partners with CA Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to provide implementation support and evaluation services for the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant program. The DHCS Opioid Response addresses the opioid and stimulant use disorder crises by improving access to treatment, reducing unmet treatment needs, and reducing opioid and stimulant-related overdose deaths through the provision of prevention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery service activities. Learn more about the DHCS Opioid Response here.
The UCLA Training Team established the Opioid and Stimulant Implementation Support-Training and Technical Assistance program (OASIS-TTA). The OASIS-TTA program offers ongoing and multiple learning opportunities with live and self-paced curriculum, access to clinical consultation, and technical assistance. Training content is developed using evidence-based practices and stakeholder consultation, and remains consistent with DHCS Opioid Response priorities.
The UCLA Evaluation Team has established the UCLA SOR Data Portal which serves as the statewide database for collecting SAMSHA and DHCS required metrics for all SOR Contractors. UCLA analyzes and produces Evaluation reports, data briefs, and data visualizations on patient outcomes and policy implications. In collaboration with the OASIS-TTA program, the UCLA Evaluation Team offers training and technical assistance resources to collect meaningful data and use it to improve access to treatment, recovery, and harm reduction services.