
Provider Support Initiative Webinars

The Provider Support Initiative (PSI) is a webinar series focused on best practices to treat opioid and stimulant use disorder and related conditions. The goals of the webinars are to expand access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) and provide workforce development across the care continuum. Sessions occur on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at noon Pacific time. The first session is a didactic presentation, and the second session is a follow up Q∧A to deepen learning. Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Education (CME/CE) are offered at no cost.

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California MAT ECHO Clinic

Project ECHO® (Enhancing Community Health Care Outcomes) is a web-based, video-conferencing platform designed to provide case-based learning opportunities and increase workforce capacity to offer best practice specialty care.

This monthly MAT ECHO® Clinic (4th Monday at noon Pacific time) is an opportunity for MAT providers and treatment teams to learn evidence-based practices to treat people with opioid, stimulant, and other substance use disorders. Through didactic and case-based learning, participants engage in clinical discussion with experienced, multidisciplinary treatment providers. Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Education (CME/CE) offered at NO COST.

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Tribal MAT ECHO® Clinic

This monthly Tribal MAT ECHO® clinic (third Tuesday at noon Pacific time) is designed for MAT providers and health care teams serving Native communities across California to learn evidence-based practices to treat people with opioid, stimulant, and other substance use disorders. Each session consists of a brief didactic presentation followed by case-based learning and clinical discussion. Continuing Medical Education and Continuing Education (CME/CE) offered at NO COST.

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Resources For Providers Serving Native Communities

UCLA ISAP offers regional and statewide training opportunities for providers serving Native communities in California. Topics focus on evidence-based practices and skill development in crisis response, overdose prevention, and treatment of opioid and stimulant use disorder. Activities include webinars, workshops, and in-person convenings, as well as case-based learning in a monthly Tribal MAT ECHO® clinic.

California Hub and Spoke System

As part of the California Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) Opioid Response projects, the California Hub and Spoke System (CA H&SS) is focused on increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) throughout the state, particularly in counties with the highest overdose rates. The CA H&SS consists of narcotic treatment programs (NTPs), referred to as "Hubs," that provide methadone and buprenorphine for opioid use disorder (OUD) and office-based treatment settings, referred to as "Spokes," that provide buprenorphine and other SUD services for ongoing care and maintenance treatment.

Find more information about CA H&SS here.

Training and Technical Assistance

UCLA ISAP provides free training and technical assistance to California treatment providers working to expand access to treatments for opioid and stimulant use disorder and related conditions. Online and in person training, consultation, and mentorship are available.

Submit TA requests here.

UCLA Evaluation Team

The UCLA Evaluation program is evaluating the CA DHCS State Opioid Response Project. We collect and analyze project data to measure progress toward improving access to treatment, recovery and harm reduction services. We also offer training and technical assistance resources to empower learners to collect meaningful data and use it to improve services.

  • Explore trainings on topics like Why Data Matter and Using Data to Improve Access to Treatment.
  • Access publicly available resources to help with learning about the strengths and needs of your local community, and to make data-informed decisions in your program.
  • Review UCLA’s Evaluation Reports and other publications from the CA Opioid Response Evaluation efforts
  • For SOR IV Contractors/Subcontractors – get help to submit your data and other technical assistance.

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