Find Trainings

Provider Support Initiative

Effective Supervision for Peer Support Specialists: Continuing the Conversation
March 25, 2025

Effective supervision is essential in ensuring peer support specialists maintain ethical standards, professional growth, and person-centered care. This training explores core supervision principles, emphasizing role clarity, boundary management, and leadership [we received feedback we cannot address trauma-informed approaches right now.]. Participants will engage in real-world case discussions, interactive exercises, and reflective practices to strengthen their supervisory approach. A special focus will be placed on fostering a respectful environment that honors all communities. Supervisors will leave with practical tools to enhance peer support effectiveness while maintaining fidelity to recovery-oriented, strengths-based supervision models. This session is ideal for supervisors of peer support programs in behavioral health, substance use recovery, and community-based settings.

California MAT ECHO® Clinic

MAT ECHO: Overdose Prevention
March 24, 2025

Overdose prevention takes many forms, including those encompassed in harm reduction, an evidence-based approach to engage people who use drugs and equip them with life-saving tools and information to create positive, potentially life-saving changes in their lives. Harm reduction is based in community-driven public health strategies, including prevention, risk reduction, and health promotion to empower people who use drugs to prevent overdose and improve overall health. This session will provide an overview of these strategies and how to discuss them in practice.

Tribal MAT ECHO® Clinic

March 18, 2025


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Subcontractors will receive registration link

California Hub & Spoke System

Welcome to the SOR IV Learning Collaboratives: Improving Access to Care
March 12, 2025

Over the past 7 years, California’s Hub and Spoke System (CA HSS), funded by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), has changed and evolved with the community’s needs. The goals for the fourth round of funding continue to focus on increasing access to medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) across California. In this interactive kick-off to the Learning Collaboratives, attendees will discuss strategies to increase access to care in their treatment programs and communities. Participants will also learn more about training and technical assistance available as SOR IV subcontractors and how to use their data to improve services.

California MAT ECHO Clinics Banner

California MAT ECHO® Clinic

MAT ECHO: Overdose Prevention
March 24, 2025

Overdose prevention takes many forms, including those encompassed in harm reduction, an evidence-based approach to engage people who use drugs and equip them with life-saving tools and information to create positive, potentially life-saving changes in their lives. Harm reduction is based in community-driven public health strategies, including prevention, risk reduction, and health promotion to empower people who use drugs to prevent overdose and improve overall health. This session will provide an overview of these strategies and how to discuss them in practice.

Provider Support Initiative Banner

Provider Support Initiative

Effective Supervision for Peer Support Specialists
March 11, 2025

Effective supervision is essential in ensuring peer support specialists maintain ethical standards, professional growth, and person-centered care. This training explores core supervision principles, emphasizing role clarity, boundary management, and leadership [we received feedback we cannot address trauma-informed approaches right now.]. Participants will engage in real-world case discussions, interactive exercises, and reflective practices to strengthen their supervisory approach. A special focus will be placed on fostering a respectful environment that honors all communities. Supervisors will leave with practical tools to enhance peer support effectiveness while maintaining fidelity to recovery-oriented, strengths-based supervision models. This session is ideal for supervisors of peer support programs in behavioral health, substance use recovery, and community-based settings.

Provider Support Initiative Banner

Provider Support Initiative

Treatment Atlas: Improving Access to High Quality Addiction Treatment
February 25, 2025

This training offers a deep dive into the Treatment Atlas data portal, outlining Shatterproof’s National Principles of Care for addiction treatment, and focusing on key data collection tools including the Treatment Facility Survey and the integrated Patient Experience Survey. The team will discuss current trends, utilization patterns, filters selected, and engagement with the site both in California and in comparison to what we are seeing nationally. With hands-on examples, participants will learn how to effectively use the platform's dashboard and analytical tools, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and empowering them to optimize addiction treatment services in their professional practice.

California MAT ECHO Clinics Banner

California MAT ECHO® Clinic

MAT ECHO: Treatments for Opioid Use Disorder
February 24, 2025

This training will focus on equipping health professionals across the care continuum with tools to address opioid use disorders (OUD) within their communities. Participants will explore FDA-approved medications for OUD treatment, integration of MAT, strategies for preventing opioid overdose, and key lessons from clinical case presentations.

Tribal MAT ECHO Clinics Banner

Tribal MAT ECHO® Clinic

Tribal MAT ECHO: Treating Opioid Use Disorder in Native Communities
February 18, 2025

This training will focus on equipping tribal health professionals with tools to address opioid use disorders (OUD) within their communities. Participants will explore FDA-approved medications for OUD treatment, integration of MAT in tribal health clinics, strategies for preventing opioid overdose, and key lessons from clinical case presentations.

Provider Support Initiative Banner

Provider Support Initiative

Treatment Atlas: Improving Access to High Quality Addiction Treatment
February 11, 2025

This training offers a deep dive into the Treatment Atlas data portal, outlining Shatterproof’s National Principles of Care for addiction treatment, and focusing on key data collection tools including the Treatment Facility Survey and the integrated Patient Experience Survey. The team will discuss current trends, utilization patterns, filters selected, and engagement with the site both in California and in comparison to what we are seeing nationally. With hands-on examples, participants will learn how to effectively use the platform's dashboard and analytical tools, bridging the gap between theory and practice, and empowering them to optimize addiction treatment services in their professional practice.

Provider Support Initiative Banner

Provider Support Initiative

Long-Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB) for Opioid Use Disorder: Guidance for Safe and Effective Administration
January 28, 2025

This session will review two formulations of extended-release injectable buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). Clinical management issues and considerations for medication selection will be discussed. Medication titration considerations for OUD in the era of fentanyl will be reviewed, including incorporation of patient-centered approaches to decision-making and risk mitigation strategies.

California MAT ECHO Clinics Banner

California MAT ECHO® Clinic

MAT ECHO: Intro to ECHO and Opioids
January 27, 2025

This one-hour virtual training will provide an introduction to the 2025 Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) ECHO Clinic. The UCLA ISAP ECHO Hub team will present an overview of the Project ECHO© “all teach, all learn” model and an introduction to Opioid Use Disorders. Topics will include the structure and purpose of Project ECHO© clinics; definitions of opioids and opioid intoxication; understanding the criteria for Opioid Use Disorder, and the role providers across the health care system can play in addressing the opioid epidemic. A case presentation will be included for discussion.

Tribal MAT ECHO Clinics Banner

Tribal MAT ECHO® Clinic

All Teach, All Learn: Introduction to Tribal MAT ECHO® and Opioids
January 21, 2025

This one-hour virtual training will provide an introduction to the 2025 Medications for Addiction Treatment (MAT) ECHO Clinic. The UCLA ISAP ECHO Hub team will present an overview of the Project ECHO© “all teach, all learn” model and an introduction to Opioid Use Disorders. Topics will include the structure and purpose of Project ECHO© clinics; definitions of opioids and opioid intoxication; understanding the criteria for Opioid Use Disorder, and the role providers across the health care system serving native communities can play in addressing the opioid epidemic. A case presentation will be included for discussion.